Monday, March 23, 2015

BR 3/23

     This sounds like a decent law, could help prevent some deaths, but if you're old enough at 18 to go fight in a war, then you should be able to smoke if you want.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

br 3-17

1. Its about Testing agencies monitoring social media to see if people are cheating on their test.
2. I am a student, but have never heard of this test.
3.Its not really spying, just making sure people don't cheat.

Friday, March 13, 2015

br 3/13/15

1. It discussed the passing of a bill that eliminates needing a permit to carry concealed weapons.
2."its a good bill for good people."
3.That criminals could get it easier.
4.Its a topic that should be less talked about in the senate and house of reps.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

BR 2-25

1. It was an article saying the white house threatened to veto the GOP bill to fix education laws.
2.Why would then threaten to veto something that should help us out a lot?
3.Because it has to do with the school system which involves most of the public.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

5 main topics for america

     Here in America, we have some major issues at hand.  Our planet experiences natural disasters everyday. From Earthquakes, tornados, volcano eruptions, to hurricanes. We as the human race need to help and fund each other so help rescue people after these disasters. Recently, these disasters have been getting much more severe.
      Our military are one of the largest, most trained, and highly funded militaries in the world. We have some of the most technologically advanced aircraft on planet earth. We have highly trained infantry, navy, and air force enlisted officers.  We do not need less soldiers, but maybe some more. you can never have a big enough army.
     Our air pollution is a serious problem. We have all of these diesel trucks and trains and boats, all just pumping black smoke into our clean air. It is tarring holes in our ozone layer and our green house effect is getting weakling, and strong at points, which isn't good. It is causing Us to have global warming, which is extreme hot and cool weather patterns.
     Our prisons are over crowded. We just keep throwing people in there, like they are subways in china, the guards pushing and shoving the people to make them fit. We need to have a purge, just to lower the crime rate, and the population would lower.
      We need a better department of highways. There a giant pot holes in our main roads, and our back roads. We need to find a good leader to fix all of or roads. They need to work on organization, and safety on the main roads, atleast the main roads.

11/6 BR

 Im glad West Virginia has broken history for something. She is 18 and a half year old, and shes making west Virginia proud now. Her being young will help and hurt her decisions. Her young age would give her a new and different prospective, and it will also hurt her because she hasn't had time to grow and learn everything about this country.