Friday, October 17, 2014

Assigment from tuesday, 10/14

Presidential Report Card


Name of President: ____Franklin D. Roosevelt__________________________

Number of Presidency:______32nd______________________

Years in Office: ___________1933-1945_______________________

In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did. 

Ability to handle and deal with a crisis
He assumed the president’s role during the depression. He gave life and hope back to the people. He brought us out of the depression and got our dependence back.
Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet
On FDR’s second term, he realized that the courts were ignoring main key points in his new deal program. He took them to the supreme court and yet he lost the case, it paved the way for a constitutional revolution.
Character and Integrity
He brought this country up from the bottom at its darkest time. He gave hope and brought new faith back into the people. He helped save America, and made us a thriving country.
Undergraduate from Harvard, two year law school which he never finished from. He was home schooled his teenage years and never understood the use of public school.
He knew he had to save America. He had to pick us up, and put us back on our feet. He helped save the U.S. from the depression.
Foreign Policy
When he was first elected, he quickly demonstrated his internationalist leanings.
Relates to the common man
He was born in a time without technology and electronics. He has grown to be a Harvard graduate and went to law school. This exceeds todays ‘common man.’
He persuaded the people to help him fix America in the 1930’s.
Political Experience
He served many terms in the office and had many acheivments.

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